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Lots Of Men Cum Inside Me


A week ago, I got my Depo-Privera shot. Is it safe for my boyfriend to ejaculate inside me multiple times in one day with this shot? Will I get pregnant? Will the shot protect me from getting pregnant if I have sex multiple times in one day?

lots of men cum inside me

6 days back we did intercourse and i send my sperm inside, okmy question is, is it problem if do the same again tonight?and is there any problem if i have sex (intercourse) in this period for the pregnancy?

Hi Atinuke, lots of women report changes in their menstrual pattern after having sex while bleeding. It sounds like what happened to you is definitely within the range of normal. It may be because of the intercourse or just an odd month of your cycle. Hope that helps.

My period starts last month may 16 2016 and end may 19 2016. And pn that night may 19 my bf and i made love and at night after 1 round of make love he cums inside me and i decided to take a contraceptive pills. Am i safe on that period of time i mean is it possible i get pregnant? This is the first time we use rhythm method. Please educate me.I hope to get a reply soon. Im soo worried.And last 2 months april 15 my period starts and end april 17. So i dont know if my cycle is normal or what..sorry for the long post.

I can understand that the first time you allow a man's cum inside your body, even orally, can be a moment of great fear. We have been told for more than 35 years to be afraid of men's semen, as it has been akin to disease and death in most public health messages globally.

I am waiting for my period the month of August and take a pill on my first day. After I have take a pill for 7 days, is it okay to have unprotected sex? Is it sfe if he finish inside me? Please. I need your replies as soon as possible because my boyfriend wants to ejaculate inside me and I want to make sure my safety first. Could anyone help me??

Hi everyone, any advice/ insights would be greatly appreciated ! (: Soo the3rd) was my last day of my periodthe 7th) I started my new 1st pack of birth control pills (sunday after my period)the 9th and 10th) my boyfriend and I had sex and he came insidemy fertile window is the 12th-17th (with the 16th being ovulation)

On orgasming, a man ejaculates semen through his penis which leads to cum in the vagina. Semen contains millions of sperm cells that swim through the vagina and into the fallopian tube. So, during unprotected sex, if the penis enters the vagina and a man ejaculation, it is sure that the sperm has entered inside the woman's body.

During vaginal sex, your condom can tear due to too much friction, insufficient lubrication, or due to contact with a sharp edge. Sometimes, although the chances are rare, the condom might break inside when ejaculation happens. These instances will allow the sperm to move up the vagina. This is why it is possible to get pregnant even while using condoms.

How to Avoid Pregnancy: To prevent sperm from entering inside your body during intercourse, the male partner must use a good quality and fresh condom. Be sure to use a water based lube to prevent the condom from tearing.

When a man is aroused during oral sex, he may orgasm and release semen in his partner's mouth. If the person giving oral sex chooses to swallow the semen (or cum), sperm is inside their body i.e. entered their body.

Studies say that a woman does not get pregnant when a sperm goes inside her mouth during oral sex, as the sperm cells do not survive beyond the digestive system. This means that the sperm cells cannot swim past the digestive system and across to the uterus to fertilise an egg.

During anal sex, if the man ejaculates near or inside his partner's anus, sperm has most likely gone in their body. Sometimes, semen and the sperm cells drip down towards the vagina. Some sperm cells may enter inside the vagina during this process.

If you're using sex toys during intercourse, some semen and sperm cell residue can be left behind on the sex toys. Using these sex toys close to the vagina or inside it can mean that the sperm has gone in.

Can you feel when the sperm enters? How does a woman feel when sperm enters her body? The feeling of sperm entering a woman's vagina is subjective. Despite there being no definite answer to judge whether the sperm has entered inside, if the penis is inside the vagina, it is almost certain the sperm has entered.

If sperm goes inside your vagina while having hurried or fast sex or, sperm cells from the semen swim inside the vagina to the egg. The extra semen may exit through the vaginal opening after some time. Sperm leakage is expected and confirmation that some of it have entered your body.

Please keep in mind that pregnancy is possible whenever sperm is inside you and even if it is on you sometimes. Even though pregnancy is unlikely if you wipe sperm inside you, but there is a possibility. This depends upon the freshness of sperm and the amount.

If a woman is already pregnant, a mucous plug forms inside the cervix. This plug blocks the pathway of any more sperm from entering the uterus. Hence, no new sperm can enter a pregnant woman because her egg is already fertilised.

Can rubbing cause pregnancy? Women cannot get pregnant just by rubbing or dry humping. However, if both partners have their clothes off and pre-ejaculate or semen somehow gets inside the woman's vagina or vulva- pregnancy is possible.

You can know and feel the sperm is inside you when a man ejaculates inside you (without protection), especially if it's an intense ejaculation. Also, if you and your partner are sexually healthy and have had unprotected sex, you should know that the sperm is definitely inside you. Healthy sperms can live up to 5 days inside a woman's body, long enough to fertilise the egg and implant it in the uterus lining.

Yes, if your partner has a strong and intense ejaculation during unprotected sex, you can feel when sperm enters as the ejaculation shoots inside you. If your partner doesn't ejaculate much, you cannot feel it. Also, you cannot feel when the sperm fertilises the egg. However, when the fertilised egg is implanted, you can feel that in the form of cramps.

A poster to one of our forums, ashley73242, wrote about her concerns of an abnormal vaginal odour after her male partner ejaculated inside her during sex. She also felt the semen would continue to leak out from her vagina for a week and was concerned the duration was contributing to the smell.

After a male has ejaculated into the vagina, most semen will either seep out or dry up. It certainly won't 'rot' inside you. The vagina is self-cleaning organ, and any remaining semen will exit the body via a women's discharge. Sperm can survive for a maximum of five days inside the vagina.

If the condom was accidentally left inside you after your partner ejaculated in it, the semen could leak from the condom into your vagina and be viable inside you for up to five days. You could get pregnant from this, depending on when it happened in your cycle.

However, there is a small chance of getting pregnant using a condom due to improper use, tears, leaks, or leaving the condom inside the vagina after ejaculation. So the chance of getting pregnant using a condom varies from 10 percent to 18 percent with typical use.

Despite the possibility of increased bleeding or cramps, a benefit of the copper IUD is that it does not carry any of the side effects associated with estrogen-containing hormonal methods, such as weight gain, mood changes, and increased risk of blood clots (Nelson, 2016).

Many women still feel concerned about having an IUD. It can be difficult for people to wrap their heads around having a device resting inside their bodies, even if it is small and safe. This is partially because, for a long time in the US, IUDs suffered from a reputation problem. In the 1970s and 80s, a defective early model of the IUD, the Dalkon Shield, caused a number of lawsuits and was taken off the market. This controversy made many Americans suspicious of IUDs in general. In the interest of safety, the FDA required subsequent IUDs and medical devices to be subjected to extreme caution with testing and development. The copper and hormonal versions developed after that have had excellent safety profiles for decades across the globe (Nelson, 2016).

No. The IUD is small, flexible, and cannot be felt inside of you (no matter how you bend or twist your body). You may be able to feel your IUD strings if you reach a finger into your vagina and gently sweep it along your cervix. This is normal and is helpful for the healthcare provider who will later check or remove your IUD. Your partner should not be able to feel your IUD unless they also insert a finger and feel for the strings.

Argh. This is the signature move of the kind of dude who has watched way too much porn. This guy is probably going to want to ram you into the ground like a tent peg, and I'll bet you five dollars he says something about your "wet cunt" while he's inside you. He probably sweats a lot too. Oh and he's going to tell all his buddies how he came all over your face.

This ritual has been going on for years, as long as we've been having regular, condom-free sex. If it sounds strange, that's only because we so rarely discuss what is one of the most common problems facing sexual partners: After a guy comes inside you, how do you dispose of the semen?

It's a perspective that theoretically encompasses a good portion of the population, straight women and gay men included. And yet the question of what to do after a dude comes inside you is rarely publicly addressed. "Why is this part of sex never shown in movies or TV?" one 27-year-old woman told Mic. "I was taken aback [the first time it happened]."

Others take a live-and-let-live approach, letting gravity take its course. "I honestly am pretty turned on by guys coming inside of me (only when I'm on birth control obviously, otherwise it is a nightmare)," a 26-year-old woman wrote to Mic. "Usually, I will use the bathroom after sex, and wipe it down there. But sometimes, I just let it do whatever it wants to do, which I guess is just be inside of me?" 2ff7e9595c


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